Friday, February 22, 2013

D.I.Y hair treatment

Hey dolls!
We all love a cheaper alternative to the things that normally cost us an arm and a leg (I know I do). Besides, who doesn't like making cool things for themselves?!....I thought I'd share with you a really nice D.I.Y hair treatment I've discovered ^_____^
It left my hair feeling so lovely and soft and it's also super dooper simple!

So the ingredients you will need are pictured below;
Avocado (I had half already chopped and in the fridge so I used only half).
Argan oil.


Shove it all into your bowl!
I didn't measure my oil, just poured in what I thought to be a nice amount.
If you don't have argan oil laying around, substitute it with some olive oil!

Smoosh it all up in your bowl until it's a nice smooth consistency ^____^. 
If you can be bothered, you can also blend it up in a blender! 
I like it nice and simple though!

Smother your hair in it, comb it through.
Leave it in your hair for an hour or more. I left mine for about an hour and a half. 
Once you've had enough just wash your hair like normal, you might need to shampoo it twice though!

~Ok, so after about 15 minutes I started freaking out as my hair is pretty blonde and my hair started turning really brown. Don't stress guys as it's just the Avocado turning brown!~

I hope you guys can try this out and that it works well as a treatment for your hair as it did mine!

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